Are you working at the right sales level or are you causing problems for yourself?
Sales Chat Show · Are you working at the right sales level or are you causing problems for yourself?
Sales Chat Show · Are you working at the right sales level or are you causing problems for yourself?
Sales Chat Show · Why can't the majority of sales managers perform properly as an effective sales coach?
Sales Chat Show · How understanding neurodiversity can power your sales success This episode is produced in conjunction with James Lovatt of Aspiedent, an organisation dedicated to training and consultancy relating to autism, Aspergers and other aspects of neurodiversity.
Getting promoted to sales manager can be a daunting prospect. You are clearly being tested and so you need to make the right impression. But what are your priorities in those first few weeks? The Sales Chat Show explains what you need to do.
Do you “own” your customers as a sales person, or are all customers “owned” jointly by everyone in the company?